next balloon flight
launch date: pending
mission comment: pending
last positions:
eleventh balloon flight

ninth balloon flight
launch date: 13.07.2021 ~ 07:00 UTC
mission comment: This balloon flight was intended to demonstrate the capabilities of the ultralight radiosonde. The freelift was about 1g. The balloon floated successfully for at least 6 days at an altitude of 9500m.
last positions:
flight report day 1
flight report day 2
flight report day 3
flight report day 4
flight report day 5
flight report day 6
unsuccessful seventh balloon flight
launch date: 15.05.2021 ~ 07:30 UTC
mission comment: This balloon flight had a little too much freelift. The balloon burst shortly before it reached the floating altitude.
last positions:
flight report day 1
unsuccessful sixth balloon flight
launch date: 31.03.2021 ~ 08:00 UTC
mission comment: This balloon flight represented a targeted test of the strength of a commercial foil balloon. The foil balloon successfully burst at a flight altitude of about 9000m.
last positions:
flight report day 1
second balloon flight
launch date: 30.12.2020 ~ 08:00 UTC
mission comment: This balloon flight showed the possibilities of foil balloons and ultralight radiosondes. The radiosonde has traveled a total of 13 days in the stratopshare.
last positions:
first balloon flight
launch date: 08.11.2020 ~ 07:00 UTC
mission comment: The first balloon flight was successful, but had too little freelift.
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